Tamiya 18066 1/32 Mini 4WD Slash Reaper (VS Chassis) #570014


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田宮 18066 1/32 迷你四驅車 Slash Reaper (VS底盤) 【《武裝機甲》作者﹑清水x下口兩名設計的原創四驅車第2彈】 本商品是擁有高行走性能的四輪驅動賽車塑膠模型。Slash Reaper就是以《武裝機甲》/《ULTRAMAN》/《三一萬能俠DEVOLUTION ~宇宙最後3分鐘~》等漫畫成名的作者﹑清水榮一x下口智裕兩名所設計的原創車輛第2彈。以作為第1彈車輛Rising Edge的宿敵為設計概念,有著炮金屬色x橙色的兇悍配色。有如鐮刀造型的兩側開孔車殼不只能夠達到輕量化效果,也能夠為內部機構提升冷卻性能。車殼亦可換在MS底盤或者Super II底盤。齒輪比採用4.2:1,導輪就是帶有橡膠圈的16mm制式。包裝是清水榮一x下口智裕的繪圖設計,有著別的四驅車所沒有的特別感。 【Manga Artists x Mini 4WD – Part 2】 The second Mini 4WD design from Japanese manga artists Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi, who are well-known for their robot manga series “Linebarrels of Iron (Kurogane no Rainbareru),” is the Slash Reaper. Intended as the rival vehicle for the Rising Edge, this new machine features an aggressive Gun Metal and Orange livery. The design of the car was also inspired by a sickle and openings on the body serve to both reduce weight and increase motor cooling. This body shell can be mounted on the MS chassis and the Super-II chassis in addition to the VS chassis that is included in the kit. This VS chassis comes with eye-catching red wheels with large-diameter tires. It also features a 4.2:1 gear ratio and 16mm plastic rollers with rubber rings. To top it off, the package is adorned with illustrations by Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi. 【關於《武裝機甲》】 細緻而大迫力的機械描寫配上壯大故事的機械人動作漫畫。由2004年開始於秋田書店的《月刊冠軍RED》開始連載,及後的電視動畫化﹑光碟和遊戲等都受到大量支持者愛戴。 【About the “Linebarrels of Iron”】 This robot manga series features precision robot descriptions and dynamic storyline. In addition to be serialized in the magazine Gekkan Champion RED, it is also featured on TV, DVDs, and games to entertain fans. 【VS Chassis】 This chassis is compact, lightweight, and features a short wheelbase for nimble performance on technical circuits. Front-mounted 16mm rollers with rubber rings are included. Hinges enable easy attachment and detachment of the front cover and the battery holder while a 4.2:1 gear ratio ensures plenty of speed. 【Specifications】 Length: 146mm Width: 92mm Motor Included Snap-on easy assembly. 【Separately Required Items】 2x R6/AA/UM3 batteries 重量 0.3 公斤 底盤屬性 後置底盤 車殼 塑膠硬殼 迷你四驅車底盤 VS Chassis 輪圈及輪胎 大徑, 中性胎, 光面胎 齒輪比 4.2:1 導輪尺寸 14-16mm
