Tamiya 18081 1/32 Mini 4WD Daihatsu Kopen (Future Included) RMZ (VS Chassis) #570017


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Hot on the heels of its announcement at the Tokyo Motor Show 2013, the Daihatsu KOPEN future included concept car makes an appearance in the Mini 4WD line-up! The concept car has a unique twist, whereby owners can easily change the car’s body panels to alter the car’s appearance, much like people change their clothes. The vehicle has two stylish variants: the RMZ has a sporty, smooth and flowing silhouette, while the XMZ showcases a more aggressive and tough-looking form. The Mini 4WD models have been given different chassis to enable Tamiya to more accurately recreate the two body styles. The RMZ runs on the short-wheelbase VS Chassis. The XMZ utilizes the adaptable Super-II. Both models feature silver-colored wheels and low-profile tires for a sharp finish. Gear ratio = 4:1 Specifications Length: 145mm Width: 92mm Includes motor Snap-together easy assembly Separately Required Items R6/AA/UM3 batteries (x2) 重量 0.3 公斤 底盤屬性 後置底盤 迷你四驅車底盤 VS Chassis 車殼 塑膠硬殼 輪圈及輪胎 細徑, 薄胎, 中性胎, 光面胎 齒輪比 4:1 導輪尺寸 14-16mm
