Tamiya 18098 1/32 Mini 4WD Iron Beak (VZ Chassis) #570033


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★ Introducing Iron Beak, a new machine with a V-shaped shape that flows from the tip of the nose to both sides of the cockpit, reminiscent of the beak of birds of prey (BEAK).?★ The highlight is the bodywork that incorporates the latest racing car trends, such as the front fender that aims for a rectifying effect and the 2-split rear wing.?★ Lightweight and compact VZ chassis is a two-tone color of gray and red.?★ The bright red graphics are represented by metal stickers. 重量 0.5 公斤 底盤屬性 後置底盤 迷你四驅車底盤 VZ Chassis 車殼 塑膠硬殼 輪圈及輪胎 細徑, 薄胎, 中性胎, 光面胎 齒輪比 3.5:1 導輪尺寸 14-16mm
