Tamiya 19446 1/32 Mini 4WD Great BlastSonic (AR Chassis) #570104


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田宮 19446 1/32 迷你四驅車 G爆風超音 (AR底盤) 【可以重現兩種外型的星馬烈最新愛車】 本商品是高性能四輪驅動賽車的組裝式塑膠模型。G爆風超音是於小學館出版雜誌《コロコロアニキ》當中連載,こしたてつひろ老師筆下的漫畫《四驅兄弟Let’s&Go!! Return Racers!! (爆走兄弟レッツ&ゴー!!Return Racers!!)》其中一位主角 – 星馬烈的少年時代的愛車。G爆風超音繼承了超音系列的流線型花紋和外型,充滿速度感。只要剪走車頭部件的一部分和拆走尾翼就可以重現與原作漫畫相近的姿態。 【Retsu Seiba’s Switch Hitter!】 This plastic Mini 4WD model assembly kit creates the Great BlastSonic, the machine driven by hero Retsu Seiba in the popular Mini 4WD comic series “Let’s & Go!! Return Racers!!” The series of Sonic models has a proud history, and this exciting model continues the traditional marking and body styles, with a sharp modern twist! What’s more, by simply modifying the nose and rear wing parts with a modeling knife, Mini 4WD fans have the choice of two different yet equally fascinating body styles! 【AR底盤】 AR底盤在追求空力的同時亦具備整備性﹑剛性﹑擴張性等迷你四驅車比賽必備的要素。車體各處能夠吸入行車風,冷卻底盤內部的電池和摩打,防止因過熱而出力下降。車殼和底盤的吸氣口能夠產生連動,提高冷卻效果。此外AR底盤裝備了低摩擦樹脂製的塑膠軸承,減少驅動力喪失之餘實現輕量化。底板和擴散器可以於不拆除車殼的情況下取出。車尾標準配備了後制動桿,當車輛通過斜坡路段時,低摩擦樹脂製的後制動桿會遇路面接觸,駕馭車輛的姿勢去防止飛出賽道。齒輪比為3.5:1的超速齒輪。 【AR Chassis】 The AR chassis is designed to offer its driver durability, customizability and ease of maintenance, all of which are vital ingredients for a successful Mini 4WD racer. Its aerodynamic form smoothly allows air to pass through the chassis interior as the machine runs, performing the vital function of cooling the batteries and motor and extending their effectiveness. The air intakes on the chassis and body are integrated for optimal performance. This high-speed racing chassis also features low-friction plastic bearings to ensure that any loss of power from the engine to the wheels is minimal in nature. The underpanel and diffuser can be removed from the model without taking off the body, while a low-friction rear skid bar is fitted to slash time loss experienced on tricky slope sections, and keep the racer on the track where it belongs. Features a 3.5:1 gear ratio. 【基本規格】 全長155mm, 闊97mm, 高44mm 附有摩打 無需膠水的嵌入式及螺絲式組裝 【Specifications】 Length: 155mm Width: 97mm Height: 44mm Includes motor Easy snap-together and screw-attachment assembly 【以下需另購】 AA電池 x2 【Separately Required Items】 R6/AA/UM3 batteries x2 重量 0.3 公斤 迷你四驅車底盤 AR Chassis 底盤屬性 後置底盤 商品屬性 四驅兄弟 車殼 塑膠硬殼
