Tamiya 58710 1/10 RC Hotshot II Blockhead Motors #0110717


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田宮 58710 1/10 RC遙控車 Hotshot II Blockhead Motors 【絕不妥協!顏色鮮艷的改造沙灘車】 於1987年作為田宮首輛軸驅動4WD沙灘車「Hotshot」的改良版初次登場的「Hotshot II」﹑今次由著名美術設計師 JUN WATANABE 先生所改造!車身顏色由原來的黑色底色配黃橙色條紋煥然一新變成燦爛藍色底色配上白色條紋,同時PC軟膠製的車殼和尾翼都已上色及剪裁。並且於原設計當中司機人偶的坐車位置過底的問題亦透過重新設計上部車架和翻車保護架解決,令司機人偶的位置更接近真車的設置。新追加的車身檔板﹑後檔板﹑側檔板皆為JUN先生的設計,Blockhead Motors特製貼紙﹑燈箱的設置﹑車側號碼牌的角度等等都充滿JUN先生的特色。 【Customized Hotshot II】 The Hotshot II debuted in 1987, a follow up to the Hotshot, our wildly popular first-ever shaft driven 4WD buggy. Now, the Hotshot II makes a re-appearance with various tweaks added by the famous Japanese designer Mr. Jun Watanabe. It features an overhauled color scheme of brilliant blue (body and wing are pre-painted in this color, and pre-cut), with a prominent white stripe. The driver figure position has also been reevaluated, while the upper deck and roll cage are new components, bringing the driver up to a more realistic location. Guards and car number plates were also designed by Watanabe, while the motor has a dedicated sticker. 【帶領高速4WD沙灘車方向性的堅實底盤構造】 本車底盤繼承原版Hotshot II的軸驅動4WD系統,前後皆裝備了密封式齒輪差速器,帶來穩定的操縱感。避震方面比照原版同樣裝備了前置1支﹑後置2支的CVA避震器及4輪雙橫臂懸架,顏色就由原版的紅色改成了搭配藍色主色的黃色。另外前後輪輪圈和轉向節等部分都用上鍍金部件去表演出有如真車的金屬感。就連附屬的540摩打也附有特製貼紙,令本車更獨樹一幟。低車高的中空橡膠輪胎表面胎紋混合了橢圓和針狀釘,能夠發展優秀的抓地力。鮮艷的顏色和充滿躍動感的越野行走,兩者結合的火花必能令你心動! 【Shaft Driven 4WD Chassis】 Based upon the original Hotshot II design, this shaft driven 4WD chassis has sealed gearboxes and differentials front and rear and gives an intuitive drive. The front of the four-wheel double wishbone suspension employs a monoshock setup, with two dampers at the rear (all are CVA oil dampers molded in yellow), while metal plated parts such as uprights and wheels give the model a realistic look. The latter are shod with hybrid oval block/pin spike low-profile tires. 【基本規格】 全長 390mm, 闊 235mm, 高 150mm 車體動量 約1,285g 軸距 前205mm, 後200mm 輪胎 闊31mm / 直徑88mm (前) ; 闊38mm / 直徑88mm (後) ABS製硬殼式構造 驅動方式:軸驅動4WD 差速器:3錐齒輪型 (前&後) 轉向裝置:2分割鬆緊扣式 懸架系統:4輪雙橫臂懸架式 齒輪比:標準配置8.70:1 摩打:540型 (附特製貼紙) 速度控制:ESC電子變速器形式 (需另購) 【Specifications】 Length: 390mm, width: 235mm, height: 150mm Weight: 1,285 g Tread: 205 mm (front), 200 mm (rear) Tire width/diameter: 31/88 mm (front), 38/88 mm (rear) ABS monocoque Shaft-driven 4WD 3-bevel differential gears 2-piece steering tie-rod 4-wheel double wishbone suspension Gear ratio = 8.70:1 Type 540 motor (with dedicated sticker) Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) is sold separately. 【以下需另購】 2ch 遙控裝置 & ESC電子變速器 轉向用伺服摩打 發訊器用AA電池 遙控車用充電池及充電器 【Separately Required Items】 2-channel R/C system w/ESC Servo motor for steering R6/AA/UM3 batteries for transmitter Battery pack & charger
