YOKOMO 1/10 Master Speed BD12 Competition 4WD Touring Car Kit EP MSR-BD12 #0110976


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Yokomo's touring car, which brings innovation through highly creative design among racing machines that tend to be uniform, will evolve into the "BD12". While still keeping in mind the balance between pitching and roll, the racing design features an even lower center of gravity. With an advanced design that makes the obvious a thing of the past, the car will lead the racing scene in the 2023-24 series.  Based on the new motor mount that controls pitching rigidity, the front and rear split upper deck controls chassis roll. Combined with the ATF active top deck flex, it provides sharp cornering. The front and rear shocks have also been shortened, and bearings have been installed in the spring holders to absorb the twist of the spring when the shock is activated, achieving linear operation. SPECIFICATION ■The upper deck has been split and joined to the motor mount to improve pitching rigidity ■Shock length has been further shortened, and a spring holder with a bearing has been used to eliminate twisting ■The body stiffener on the front hub carrier prevents interference between the body and tires, improving traction ■A carbon plate that increases pitching rigidity has been installed on the motor mount ■The adoption of a 90T spur gear has lowered the center of gravity of the drive system. The motor has also been moved forward, achieving mass centralization ■The front shock tower has been redesigned, and an upright shock mounting position has been added ■A new rear shock tower allows the angle of the rear shock to be variably changed■ The countersunk threads on the main chassis have been made shallower to prevent damage around the threads ■Large-diameter suspension mount spacers are used to prevent damage to the main chassis in a crash *The photo is an example of assembly. *The kit does not include 2-channel radio control set (transmitter, receiver, speed controller, servo), battery (Li-po 2 cells), charger, motor, tires, wheels, pinion gear (64 pitch), touring car body, polycarbonate paint, etc. Please purchase separately. *The kit does not include body, wheels, tires, motor, batteries ,pinion gear, and other R/C electrics. A major feature of the BD12 is the front/rear split upper deck. The balance with the newly designed aluminum motor mount ensures pitching rigidity and further promotes a lower center of gravity. The motor mount is equipped with a graphite plate to further increase pitching rigidity. It also functions as a battery stopper, and a brass version will also be released as an option. The front hub carrier has the same alignment as before, but the shape has been changed to allow the installation of a body stiffener. This prevents interference between the tire and the fender when downforce is applied, preventing stalls and other problems. The BD12's main chassis has a shallower countersunk surface than previous models, and the thickness around the screws has been increased to improve durability. The suspension mount height adjustment spacers are also large-diameter, which disperses stress in the event of a crash and prevents damage to the main chassis. The spur gear has been redesigned from 110T to 90T. The center of gravity around the spur gear and the motor mount has been lowered, promoting a lower center of gravity. In addition, the motor has been positioned closer to the center of the chassis to centralize mass, reducing pitching motion and improving stability during acceleration and deceleration. The damper cap, cylinder, and damper end have been redesigned to make them more compact. By installing bearings in the spring cups and absorbing the twisting of the spring during stroke, it is possible to linearly bring out the spring's original performance. The front shock tower now has more outer hole positions than before, making it possible to set the shock higher. The rear shock is mounted laterally, and by adding spacers it is possible to accommodate a wide range of settings. 即使在趨於統一的賽車中,Yokomo 的房車也以其極具創意的設計帶來革新,將進化為「BD12」。在保持俯仰和橫滾平衡的同時,我們實現了進一步降低重心的賽車設計。它將以其先進的設計引領 2023-24 年系列賽的比賽場景,讓常識成為過去。  基於控制俯仰剛性的新型電機支架,底盤側傾由分為前部和後部的上甲板控制。與 ATF 主動頂板彎曲相結合,可實現急轉彎。前後減震器也被縮短,並且在彈簧支架中安裝了軸承,以吸收減震器啓動時彈簧的扭轉,實現線性操作。 規格 ■上甲板被分割並連接到電機安裝座,以提高俯仰剛性。 ■減震長度進一步縮短,並使用帶軸承的彈簧支架來消除扭曲 。增加車身和輪胎的牽引力。 ■電機支架上附有碳板,以增加俯仰剛性。 ■ 90T 正齒輪降低了驅動系統的重心。電機也移至前部,使質量集中。 ■新設計的前減震器塔,增加了減震器直立安裝位置。■ 新的後減震器塔可以可變地改變後減震器的角度。 沈頭螺釘處理可防止螺釘周圍損壞。 ■使用大直徑懸掛安裝墊片,防止碰撞時損壞主機架。 *照片為組裝參考示例。 *套件包括2通道無線電裝置(發射器、接收器、速度控制器、伺服器)電池(鋰電池)、充電器、電機、輪胎/車輪、小齒輪(64節距)、旅行車車身、聚碳酸酯油漆等。不包括在內。請單獨購買。 *該套件不包括車身、車輪、輪胎、電機、電池、小齒輪和其他遙控電氣設備。 BD12的一大特點是前後分體式上甲板。通過與新設計的鋁制電機支架的平衡確保俯仰剛性,進一步降低重心。 電機支架配備石墨板,進一步增加俯仰剛性。它的結構也可用作電池塞,我們計劃發佈黃銅版本作為選項。 前輪轂支架的對齊方式與以前相同,但現在的形狀允許安裝車身加強件。防止施加下壓力時輪胎和擋泥板之間的干涉,從而防止失速和其他問題。 BD12的主機架具有比以前更淺的埋頭孔,並且增加了螺釘周圍的厚度以增加耐用性。此外,我們使用大直徑墊片來調節懸架的高度,這可以在發生碰撞時分散應力並防止主機架損壞。 傳統的110T正齒輪已改為90T並重新設計。正齒輪和電機安裝座周圍的重心已降低,以降低重心。 此外,電機已移至更靠近底盤中心的位置,以集中質量,減少俯仰運動並提高加速和減速過程中的穩定性。 阻尼器蓋、氣缸和阻尼器端經過重新設計,更加緊湊。 通過在彈簧杯中安裝軸承並吸收彈簧在行程過程中的扭轉,現在可以線性地發揮原始彈簧性能。 前減震塔的外側比以前有更多的孔,可以將減震器直立放置。 後減震器是橫向安裝的類型,通過添加墊片可以適應多種設置。

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