YOKOMO 1/10 Masterspeed BD11 graphite chassis specification MSR-BD11 #0110977


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The idea that a car is difficult to handle because it has the performance to compete in the global race scene is now a thing of the past. We are now in an era where a competitive touring car is needed as a hobby, one that has the latest specifications and is fun to drive while also being challenging. Driving performance perfected through repeated testing in top European races. While the suspension and drive system have been boldly refined, the development vision has always been "usability" that allows anyone to race. Flexible steering performance is achieved by balancing flexibility while maintaining rigidity, and the latest suspension is constructed with a simple setting method, enhancing the sense of security that allows the driver to concentrate on control. Driver's Impressions: Masahiro Yamamoto, Christopher Clapp, Sota Goto The distinctive high-rigidity long suspension arms are made of a hybrid of resin and aluminum parts, reducing chassis roll and improving cornering speed. Durability has been confirmed through repeated testing, allowing you to attack corners with confidence. The kit comes equipped with the RTC (Rear Toe Control) system as standard. This system increases cornering speed and accelerates out of corners, making it an essential item for modern racing touring cars. The front shock tower has been dramatically reshaped. Separating the left and right sides gives the front end more flexibility, resulting in a milder feel. Parts that increase rigidity for driving on high-grip surfaces are also scheduled to be released. The front double joint universal suspension has also been redesigned to improve precision and durability, and the stabilizer is now installed under the suspension arm to promote a lower center of gravity. The upper deck has also been redesigned to match the chassis flex settings. Stiffeners can be used on the front side, allowing you to adjust the rigidity balance to suit the road conditions. The rear side of the upper deck is uniquely designed with an O-ring sandwiched between roller pins and ATF (Active Top Deck Flex). It maximizes the torsion of the chassis to improve rear traction. By changing the hardness of the O-ring or changing to a spacer, it is an important point that allows you to freely control the cornering performance. The front and rear shock absorbers also feature newly designed shaft guides for even smoother operation. 因為它具有在世界賽車場上競爭的性能而難以處理的事實已經成為過去。我們生活在一個需要業餘競賽旅行車的時代,這些汽車需要提供最新的性能規格,既有趣又要求嚴格。 駕駛性能經過歐洲頂級賽事的反復考驗,已臻完美。在大膽改進懸架和驅動系統的同時,開發願景始終是「可用性」,讓任何人都可以參加比賽。通過剛性和靈活性的平衡實現靈活的轉向性能,並通過簡單的設置方法構建最新的懸架,給駕駛員帶來安全感,使他們能夠專注於控制。 車手印象:山本正沙、克里斯托弗·克拉普、後藤蒼太 石墨製成的特色高剛性長懸架臂由樹脂和鋁制部件混合而成,可減少底盤側傾並提高轉彎速度。耐用性經過反復測試證實,讓您自信地攻克彎道。 該套件標配 RTC(後腳趾控制)系統。它是現代賽車的必備品,因為它可以提高轉彎速度,同時增加出角加速度。 前減震塔的形狀發生了巨大的變化。通過左右兩側的分離,前部區域具有更大的靈活性和更溫和的操作感。我們還計劃發佈可提高在高抓地力道路上行駛的剛性的零件。 前雙關節萬向也經過全新設計,提高了精度和耐用性。穩定器也安裝在懸架臂下方,有助於降低重心。 上層甲板也有一個新的形狀,以匹配底盤的彎曲設置。前側還可以使用加強筋,可以根據路況調整剛性平衡。 上層板的後側有一個設計獨特的 ATF(Active Top Deck Flex),支持插入 O 形圈的滾柱銷。通過最大化底盤扭轉來增加後牽引力。改變O型圈的硬度或更換墊片是自由控制車削性能的重要點。 前後減震器的軸導軌經過全新設計,操作更加順暢。
